

Jonas Eidevall 对我们关于酋长球场将在 2024/25 赛季举办 11 场阿森纳女足比赛的公告进行了评论。酋长球场将成为阿森纳女足的主要主场,下赛季还将有 8 场巴克莱女足超级联赛比赛在此举行作为欧洲女足冠军联赛的三场比赛,我们是否有资格进入小组赛。长期主办场地马那瓜佩英国体育场(博勒姆伍德的 Meadow Park)的比赛数量仍将减少。 要了解更多信息,请点击此处.周五在首霸地产训练中心举行的布莱顿赛前新闻发布会上,乔纳斯表示:“我认为这是个好消息,我们将在酋长球场打更多比赛原因有很多,但对我来说最大的一个是我们可以举办更多的比赛,吸引更多的观众,让更多的人来观看并支持球队。”


With the Women's Super League season drawing to a close, Lotte Wubben-Moy has paid a visit to the place where it all began: Olga Primary School.As a ten-year-old, tired of only being able to play football with boys, Lotte helped set up a girls' football team with the help of her mentor, Paul Cox.Fifteen years on, she returned to the school in east London and reunited with Paul, who kept the football Lotte gave him when she left school.There's still an after-school football club for the girls at Olga Primary, and Lotte jumped at the chance to join the session.Click play on the video to go back to Lotte's first club. 
