

位于纽卡斯尔弗里曼医院北部癌症护理中心的鲍比·罗布森爵士癌症试验研究中心由鲍比爵士于 2009 年正式开业。他也是第一批在那里接受治疗的患者之一。患者来自世界各地东北部和坎布里亚郡在该中心接受治疗,这为晚期癌症患者带来了希望。在那里进行的研究和临床试验是国家和国际对该疾病长期努力的一部分。 Bobby Robson 爵士希望这些成果能够成为他为其他面临癌症的人留下的遗产。去年,有 400 名新的成年患者转诊至 Bobby Robson 爵士中心,目前正在进行 30 项临床药物试验。在访问期间,Gareth 会见了正在进行临床治疗的患者中心正在试验新的抗癌药物。“我很荣幸能够参观该中心并看到鲍比爵士在这里留下的遗产,”他说。“足球是东北部的一个重要组成部分,鲍比爵士是英格兰足球运动的偶像,他对筹款活动产生了巨大影响,使该中心能够继续进行重要的试验。“很高兴再次见到鲍比爵士的儿子马克,见到工作人员并看到他们所做的出色工作,但是也很特别,希望能让一些接受治疗的人脸上露出笑容。”

Sir Bobby managed England for eight memorable years including two incredible World Cup campaigns in 1986 and 1990.First diagnosed in 1990, Sir Bobby faced cancer five times and, in 2008, launched a Foundation, part of Newcastle Hospitals Charity, to find more effective ways to detect and treat the disease.The Sir Bobby Robson Foundation’s initial aim was to raise £500,000 to equip the cancer trials centre, which was then under construction at the Freeman Hospital.As well as equipping the Sir Bobby Robson Centre, the Foundation also funds trainee posts for both a doctor and nurse specialising in clinical drug trials within it and specialist posts providing patients with occupational therapy, complementary therapy and a dietician.Teri Bayliss, Newcastle Hospitals charity director, added: “To manage The Sir Bobby Robson Foundation is an honour for Newcastle Hospitals Charity.“We share Sir Bobby’s vision to help find more effective ways to treat and detect cancer, and the legacy he created for the thousands of individual patients that come through the centre is one that we are committed to growing both now, and for the future.”

Sir Bobby was touched by the support his Foundation received from the FA and within all levels of the football community. He was particularly proud when then England coach, Fabio Capello, joined him at the official opening of the Sir Bobby Robson Centre.A memorable occasion, Fabio spoke passionately about Sir Bobby and presented him with a cheque for his Foundation on behalf of the FA, support which has continued to this day and is helping fund a range of groundbreaking cancer treatments and innovative patient support services, including a range of support for young patients with cancer at the Great North Children’s Hospital in Newcastle.Sir Bobby described his Foundation as his “last and greatest team.” He had no idea how large his team would grow, or how much it would go on to achieve.

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