走进水晶宫 2023/24 年最后一次训练!

走进水晶宫 2023/24 年最后一次训练!

The Eagles all arrived in good spirits for the last training session of the season, with preparations in full flow for Sunday's last Premier League game of the season at home to Aston Villa.A rollercoaster season may yet culminate in – if Palace win against Aston Villa at Selhurst Park, and two other results go their way – the achievement of a top-ten finish, as well as a joint club-record Premier League points tally (49 points, if Palace win on Sunday).The final training session, captured by the Palace TV cameras (video coming soon) and photographer Seb Frej, saw the usual mix of laughter, endeavour and fond farewells, with it being the last day at Copers Cope for James Tomkins and Jaïro Riedewald, who will leave the club this summer after eight and seven years in sotuh London respectively.Check out the best moments in our video above, and photo gallery below!

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