

如果您喜欢参加派对,那么这个周末就来我们这里吧,因为天堂是一个值得去的地方,不仅有一个,而且可能,而且希望有 两个 奖杯日,在神圣的草坪上庆祝。男人们会周六,球队连续第三个赛季获得 SPFL 奖杯,这也是俱乐部的第 54 个冠军头衔,但如果 24 小时后凯尔特人女足首次举起联赛奖杯,那么历史可能会在同一个球场上创造。女孩们最希望任何享受周六派对的人能够在周日回归并帮助他们争取冠军,并为凯尔特人队带来独特的联赛双冠王。希伯尼安后卫谈到对球队的支持时说道已收到:“这对我们来说就是一切,我知道当每个人都说这是他们的第 12 人时有点陈词滥调,但对我们来说,他们确实是。“他们出现在家里​​和路上,当我们需要时我们会听到他们的声音他们。Chloe Craig

“这太不可思议了,这是无法用语言表达的。你听不到公园里任何人的声音。你所做的只是尝试读唇语。拥有这样的支持真是令人难以置信。“没有他们,我们可能无法继续前进并提升自己。他们是帮助我们度过困难时期的人。”凯尔特人女足效力时间最长的球员补充道:“能够在这里赢得冠军,并成为我儿时的俱乐部,这对我和我的家人来说意味着整个世界。 “但我知道这对于在这里呆了很长一段时间的女孩们来说也意义重大,尤其是我最好的朋友之一,我们的队长凯莉克拉克,所以和她一起举起它会很棒。”“But I know it would also mean a lot to the girls that have also been here for quite a while, especially one of my best pals, Kelly Clark, our captain, so to lift it with her would be amazing.”

It’s not just a matter of turning up, though, Hibs are no pushovers and, with Rangers taking on Partick Thistle and hoping for a slip-up at Celtic Park, the Ghirls know what is at stake.Craig said: “We’ve kept ourselves grounded, nothing’s won yet. We need to go out there and get the three points, and that’s what’s most important to us just now.“We’ve worked all season for it, and Elena’s come in and done a good job with us. It’s all credit to her and her tactics, her technique and her style of play.“So, we’re looking forward to it, we know what it’s like to be at the end of the season and have it in our hands, but hopefully we grab it this time.”Like the men’s’ team, it’s been a great end to the season for the Ghirls, but, also like the men’s team the hard work has been put in all year.Chloe Craig said: “I think it just comes from your mentality at the start of the season and the group that you have.“We were close to it last season, so we know what it was like and we hurt, and we still carry that pain, and we want to rectify that this season.“So, that’s what we’ve taken into every game and every training session.“It would be incredible for us, especially with the men lifting the trophy tomorrow (Saturday) and then hopefully we lift ours on Sunday after them, which is the goal.“Then we go down in history just like they keep writing near enough every season.”The Ghirls aim to sign off an incredible campaign with a final three points as they take on Hibernian this Sunday at Celtic Park (KO: 2:10pm) and tickets are available to buy online now.BUY TICKETS ONLINE

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