

Palace were facing Swindon Town for a place in the top-flight, with the Eagles having been shut out at the County Ground in the first leg, losing by a single goal to nil. A turnaround was required.With Steve Coppell hoping for a fast start to get the comeback underway, the Eagles took the lead after just nine minutes. Rudi Hedman’s free-kick caused issues in the penalty area, with the ball falling to Mark Bright to smash home.The scores were level, and Palace smelt blood. Just before half-time, the ball was flicked on by Bright into the path of Wright, who showed a striker’s instinct to be in the right place at the right time to volley home.Now it was a question of holding on, and hold on Palace did in the second-half. It meant a play-off final against Blackburn Rovers – held over two legs – for a place in the First Division.The Eagles would earn a place in the top-flight with another comeback victory, thanks to an Ian Wright brace.

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