Jaïro Riedewald:图片中的皇宫生涯

Jaïro Riedewald:图片中的皇宫生涯

Riedewald arrived from Ajax in July 2017, and featured most regularly during the 2020/21 season when he played 34 times in all competitions.Regardless of his injury troubles, the midfielder was an ever-popular presence at Selhurst Park and Copers Cope training ground among fans and fellow players alike.The midfielder also scored three times in red and blue, including an excellent strike against Newcastle in a 2-1 win at St James’ Park, and the winning goal against Stoke City to send Palace through to the 2021/22 FA Cup quarter-finals.“It was just an honour to be part of this organisation, part of this club, wearing this shirt for seven seasons," Riedewald told Palace TV. "Even if you look at this game, I think, I'm very excited for the future, what the future holds for Crystal Palace.“Hopefully this progress we've been through in the last three, four months, hopefully after the pre-season we can just carry on and I really want to see this club doing well in the upcoming years and achieve the goals that we are setting for next season.”Celebrate his efforts with the best of Jairo below!

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