

爱尔兰共和国在萨格勒布 2-2 战平后,英格兰男子精英联赛球队在克罗地亚之旅中连续获胜。幼狮队 周五 2-1 击败瑞典 在从 1 逆转后有望以同样的比分取胜-0 落后领先。但最后时刻扳平比分,确保两队平局。爱尔兰共和国在队长乔·霍奇 (Joe Hodge) 的进球下仅三分钟就取得领先。 英格兰队随后不久就几乎扳平比分,戴恩·斯嘉丽 (Dane Scarlett) 将一脚漂亮的球打入禁区,但萨米·布雷布鲁克 (Sammy Braybrooke) 在六码外射偏。不过,在阿奇·布朗 (Archie Brown) 跑动的情况下,幼狮队最终在半场结束时扳平了比分下半场开始时,上半场已经结束,在比赛重新开始后的第一分钟,阿布·卡马拉被犯规,戴恩·斯嘉丽主罚点球,帮助本·富彻的球队取得领先。The second half begun as the first had ended, with Dane Scarlett converting from the penalty spot after Abu Kamara had been fouled in the first minute after the restart to put Ben Futcher's side ahead.

Futcher made a raft of substitutions throughout the second half, with all 10 outfielders changed by the 65th minute of the game.And three minutes from time Republic of Ireland made it 2-2, Jed Ward saving from the penalty spot but unable to block the follow up.England: 1 Jed Ward (Bristol Rovers), 2 Kellen Fisher (Norwich City), 3 Archie Brown (Gent), 4 Sammy Braybrooke (Leicester City), 6 Charlie Hughes (Wigan Athletic), 7 Abu Kamara (Norwich City), 9 Dane Scarlett (Tottenham Hotspur), 11 Benicio Baker-Boaitey (Brighton & Hove Albion), 15 Brad Hills (Norwich City), 17 Martial Godo (Fulham), 21 Alex Matos (Chelsea)Substitutes: 8 Jobe Bellingham (Sunderland) for Matos 45, 5 Ben Nelson (Leicester City) for Baker-Boaitey 55, 23 Ben Chrisene (Blackburn Rovers) for Hills 55, 10 George Earthy (West Ham United) for Brown 55, 12 Roman Dixon (Everton) for Braybrooke 65, 20 Romain Esse (Millwall) for Hughes 65, 19 Bailey-Tye Cadamarteri (Sheffield Wednesday) for Fisher 65, 18 Will Alves (Leicester City) for Kamara 65, 14 Kaelan Casey (West Ham United) for Godo 65, 16 Noel Buck (New England Revolution) for Scarlett 65Substitutes not used: 13 Tommy Simkin (Stoke City), 22 Tommy Setford (Ajax), 25 Ben Cisse (West Bromwich Albion)

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