

当 香农·麦格雷戈 离开希伯尼安成为 埃琳娜·萨迪库的 新赛季第一名签约球员时,这位中场球员知道她加入的是一支有竞争力的球队,球队中的所有位置都存在竞争。当你加入时,你可以将此视为理所当然冠军球队,但在凯尔特人足球俱乐部女子训练营中,随着后卫艾米·理查森在埃弗顿效力一段时间后加入,双胞胎,这种情况有所增加。 Signe 和 Mathilde Carstens从福图纳·约林(Fortuna Hjørring)加盟,葡萄牙后卫Bruna Lourenço也加入了俱乐部。24 岁的球员说:“我喜欢玩 8、10 或 6,但这并不真正困扰我,只要我在玩。

“我非常兴奋,我已经成长为我一生都是凯尔特人球迷,所以我真的很期待它“联赛胜利是一件大事,我很乐意与这家具乐部一起做,并继续这样做,还有冠军联赛。“我等不及了,我我在 Hibs 经历过这种感觉,我知道那是什么感觉,我迫不及待地想再次体验那种感觉。这是你在足球生涯中一直想做的事情,所以我真的很期待。”

The Celts face two new challenges this coming season directly as a built-in condition to winning the league championship for the first time last term – defending the title rather than aspiring to win it, and taking that step further in the Champions League.The new Ghirl said: “All players should have pressure to regain that trophy. That’s what we want, and we want to keep that for as long as we can.”And as for progressing further on the continental front, McGregor added: “I think we can see that from the league win, we’ll gain a lot of confidence as players and as a club, so I think we can definitely give it a good go.“Being in the Champions League and looking to win the league here as well, it’s going to challenge me and that’s what I’m looking to do“Any new player is going to have pressure. Even just going into a new changing room is going to be different for me. But I want to feel that pressure, I want that pressure to move me forward as a player and as a person.”

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