

凯尔特公园球场还有另一个值得庆祝的理由,因为今天宣布 凯尔特公园球场之旅 根据旅游评级专家 Tripadvisor 的评选,凯尔特公园球场被评为世界上最适合全家出游的一天。这项了不起的成就来了继去年凯尔特人公园之旅被 Tripadvisor 评为英国最佳景点之一金奖之后,凯尔特人队的最新成功让天堂之旅被评为世界上最佳游客体验之一。体育场之旅将带领游客深入苏格兰最大的足球场的幕后,让游客有机会看到凯尔特人队的大量奖杯收藏、主场更衣室、球员通道、休息区和主看台上的董事包厢。 每次旅行均由凯尔特公园官方导游带领,旅游部门拥有大量导游,保证到凯尔特公园的游客不会有两次旅行完全相同,每位导游都会带来自己的体验世界著名的体育场之旅在凯尔特公园体育酒吧开始和结束,在今天早上的游览之后,凯尔特景观与一些在天堂享受过体验的游客以及全球各地的游客进行了交流。体育场之旅的吸引力显而易见。来自美国缅因州的 Sam 和 Max,以及来自马萨诸塞州的 Graham,非常高兴地抒情地讲述了他们在天堂球场的经历。“我是一名超级足球迷,并且我喜欢这次旅行,太棒了,”麦克斯说。 “我喜欢奖杯室,我最喜欢的奖杯是欧洲杯。

Graham 补充道:“这里的设施很棒,导游真的很有趣、机智,但他也知识渊博。“你可以看出这意味着什么这里的人。”

Those sentiments were echoed by Dan and Ryan from Florida, who enjoyed the tour alongside their friend and Celtic season ticket holder, William from Glasgow.“Celtic Park is beautiful,” said Ryan. “There’s an amazing sense of history here. The tour was fantastic.“The history here shows that Celtic goes beyond just football, and that’s something that everyone can benefit from learning about.”Dan touched on the global reach of the club, saying: “Celtic are known throughout the world, they have a worldwide presence. Supporters all over the globe follow Celtic.”As well as welcoming visitors from all over the world, the Celtic Park stadium tour is also a massively popular attraction with local Celtic supporters like William, who revealed that he is a return visitor to the stadium tour.“I’ve been on the tour several times,” he said. “Whenever I have visitors, this is one place that I try to bring them.“It’s just a great club to be a part of."

Celtic’s Stadium Tours manager, Frank Rafters, has overseen the growth of the tours department over several years and has shared his joy at this latest piece of success for the club.“We are delighted to have been given this accolade by Tripadvisor,” he said. “It means a great deal for us to be recognised in the form of such positive feedback from both tourists and locals alike.“My team and I work hard to achieve the highest possible standards while welcoming tens of thousands of guests annually.“All I can do is thank the tour guides for the incredible work that they do. I’m immensely proud of them.”Book a Celtic Park stadium tour

More details on the Celtic Park stadium tour, including booking information, can be found by following the link below.Celtic Park Tours

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