

去年这个时候,人们开始谈论利亚姆·斯凯尔斯成为即将离开凯尔特人公园大门的球员之一。然而,快进到 2023/24 赛季,仅仅 10 个月后,这位爱尔兰后卫已经踢了 45 场比赛,是凯尔特人联赛和苏格兰杯双冠王球队的重要组成部分。他还为爱尔兰共和国首次亮相,这是该赛季五次国家队比赛中的第一次,取得了出场纪录到第 50 轮 – 并且他与俱乐部签订了一份新合同。可以理解的是,随着凯尔特人队以明天晚上(星期五)对阵艾尔联队的比赛是凯尔特人电视台独家直播了五场季前赛之一。他说:“这很好,回来很愉快。我一直期待着回去工作。我度过了一个愉快的假期,这很好。我们一直在努力工作,显然不是每个人都因为国际比赛和类似的事情而回来,但这很艰难,但很好。“我想比去年做得更好,总是有改进的空间,这就是目标。


The aforementioned new UEFA Champions League format will see the Celts compete in an eight-team league format made up of two teams from each of the four pots with games played either home or away and each team meeting only once.Scales said: “Getting the two extra games and playing against a different team each time, it’s going to bring loads of different experiences, and just to have two extra games in the tournament guaranteed, is brilliant.“Because that’s one of the things you look back on at the end and remember fondly. And it gives us more chances to win games, because we won the last one we played and that’s left us hungry to kick on and pick up points.“But they are still going to be challenging games and we won’t really know until next year when we’ve played a year in it, but it’ll be interesting and I’m definitely looking forward to it.”Celtic take on Ayr United at Somerset Park this Friday, July 5 (KO: 7.45pm), and you can watch the watch LIVE and EXCLUSIVE on Celtic TV.Subscribe to Celtic TV
